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Request an Appearance by the Ohio Wheelmen
The Ohio Wheelmen organization is a component of The Wheelmen, a national, non-profit organization of fellow antique bicycle collectors. Wheelmen members restore antique bicycles to save them from age-related deterioration by rust and neglect. Wheelmen ride these antique bicycles and tricycles in parades, tours, and multi-day rides. Wheelmen also collect and preserve other components of bicycle's early era in terms of antique memorabilia such as bills of sale, advertisting items, bicycle tools, bicycle accessories, and more. These actions serve to preserve a slice of history in the late 19th century and early 20th century.
The organizer of an event may request the presence of the Ohio Wheelmen at a festival or parade. Wheelmen participation is usually dependent on location of an event, the requested date (relative to other events), the usual weather, and Wheelmen able to participate.
An appearance honorarium is requested based on the suggested amounts in this table. Such honorarium supports the organization for coordination of events, newsletters, and other organizational expenses. Being non-profit, these fees do not go to expenses of individual Wheelmen; their time and efforts are donated to the cause.
Wheelmen participation can be as a unit in a parade where the Wheelmen will ride high wheel bicycles and/or other styles of antique bicycles in the pre-1918 era. The style of bicycle participating will depend on the Wheelmen's personal bicycle collection.
Some Wheelmen do not ride their restored bicycles in order to not degrade their museum-like condition. Some of these Wheelmen are willing to bring their bicycles and/or memorabilia to an event to talk with the event's participants and describe the history of bicycles.
A request may be submitted to the Ohio Wheelmen Captain or another Wheelmen member. Please ask that member to inform the Ohio Wheelmen Captain to enter the requested event on the Wheelmen event schedule. A request should include the anticipated date, a specific location (city, state), a description of the event, and a description of the desired Wheelmen participation (e.g. parade unit, display). Please include contact information for the appropriate representative of the event.
If you have questions, please send an e-mail to the Ohio Wheelmen Captain.
The Wheelmen national organization has an extensive web site.
NOTICE: This is a page for the OHIO WHEELMEN. This material is used with permission. Most of this material is copyrighted by The WHEELMEN or the Ohio Wheelmen.
Comments or questions regarding this website should be directed to
the Ohio Wheelmen webmaster.
This page was last updated on January 11, 2022.
This page was created and maintained using a
Macintosh computer, MS Word, Apple Safari, and Fetch.