About the Ohio Wheelmen
The Ohio Wheelmen is a state division of The Wheelmen for members living in Ohio. Wheelmen in Ohio participate in parades, demonstrate riding to the public, collect cycling memorabilia, research topics, and ride their machines.
The Ohio Wheelmen Captain is Lynda Katterheinrich.
The Wheelmen is a national, non-profit organization dedicated to keeping alive the heritage of American cycling, promoting the restoration and riding of early cycles (1932 and earlier), and encouraging cycling as part of modern living. Members are intent on learning lost skills, retelling lost stories, researching and writing of the golden era of cycling.
About The Wheelmen *** Wheelmen Membership Information
Join up using the straightforward on-line system.The uniform for Ohio Wheelmen is defined in The Wheelmen Bulletin #5a. The excerpt for Ohio is on this page.
The Wheelmen site has a wonderful page of Frequently Asked Questions about the Wheelmen organization and its members.
Upcoming Events
This schedule lists upcoming events in Ohio as well as other national or regional meets.
Event Organizer: Please consult this page to request an appearance by the Ohio Wheelmen at your event.
We rode in some mighty big parades last year. We plan to ride in these again in 2024 as well as many more!
Cleveland St. Patrick's Day Parade
Friday, March 17, 2023Pro Football HOF Induction Ceremony Parade
Saturday, August 5, 2023Minster Oktoberfest Parade
Sunday, October 1, 2023
Photo Galleries
The Ohio Wheelmen photo gallery contains photos of modern Wheelmen participating in Ohio events, regional events, and national meets.
A more extensive Wheelmen photo gallery of today's wheelmen is on The Wheelmen national web site. These are categorized by event and several years of the Sauder Village Regional Meet are included.
Selected photos from the inaugural FORTH race are on this photo gallery page. This race was conducted September 5, 2010 in preparation as an annual event.
How do you ride an Ordinary bicycle?
Here is a short explanation about riding an Ordinary (aka Penny Farthing or High Wheel) bicycle. Jim O'Hagan, one of the bicycle presenters at Greenfield Village in Dearborn, Michigan, explains and demonstrates how to get on and off an Ordinary and how easy they are to ride. Jim is a member of the Michigan Wheelmen. Notice the Wright Brothers' bicycle shop across the street behind Jim.
Disclaimer: Videos on YouTube following this video are neither sponsored by nor condoned by The Wheelmen or the Ohio Wheelmen.
Behold the Highwheel (Penny Farthing)! The Bicycle that Changed the World!
This video explains the features of the high wheel bicycle (aka Ordinary and Penny Farthing) and shows some interesting videos of riding.
Disclaimer: Videos on YouTube following this video are neither sponsored by nor condoned by The Wheelmen or the Ohio Wheelmen.
Notable Ohio Wheelmen in the Past
Berna "Barney" Oldfield was born January 29, 1878 in York Township of Fulton County in northwest Ohio. He died October 4, 1946 and is buried in California. The Fulton County Historical Society has a long page of information about this famous racer, both on a wheel and in an automobile.
Fun High Wheel Stuff
Just for fun, here is a 2011 Super Bowl video ad that features high wheel bicycle riders! The son of a California Wheelmen rode in the ad. Other riders are stunt men and professional bicycle racers.
Disclaimer: Videos on YouTube following this video are neither sponsored by nor condoned by The Wheelmen or the Ohio Wheelmen.
Enjoy this short YouTube video about peddlers in the city of Edina.
Disclaimer: Videos on YouTube following this video are neither sponsored by nor condoned by The Wheelmen or the Ohio Wheelmen.
NOTICE: This is a page for the OHIO WHEELMEN.
This material is used with permission.
Most of this material is copyrighted by THE WHEELMEN, the Ohio Wheelmen, or by the noted photographer.Comments or questions regarding this website should be directed to
the Ohio Wheelmen webmaster.This page was last updated on March 8, 2024
This page was created and maintained using a
Macintosh computer, MS Word, Apple Safari, and Fetch.